
Data product, target, and daily report detail pages provide quick access to certain tasks via the Action drop down menu.(Some actions may not be available for certain products.)


Create a bookmark to a specific item (account required). You can provide a rating and custom keyword(s) as part of the bookmark. Bookmarks are private and can only be viewed by you.


Add the current product or document to the cart.


Download the current data product. For images, additional formats are usually available, such as JPG and PNG, may be available. The example below lists the data file, label file, and four browse (quicklook) files that can be downloaded for a particular MSL Mastcam image. Note that in this case, three of the browse images are created by the Notebook from the archived .IMG file, and one browse image is created by the instrument team.


Open a new data search using some of the same attributes as the current item, such as sol or site.


Share a data product, document, or target using a short URL that is unique to the current item. You can email the URL to others.